
We have a few rules in the Prototyping Lab to help everyone use this shared space safely. There is never a circumstance where these rules may be broken, though the implementation of them (policies) may have some flexibility. Violation of the first two rules will result in temporary to permanent suspension of Prototyping Lab access.

  1. Be safe.
  2. Be respectful of other users.
  3. Try to make cool stuff.


Our policies are the implementation details for the above rules. If you find that one of these policies violates a rule in your circumstances, the rule takes precedence. If there are any doubts, ask staff for clarification.

  1. You must complete orientation before use of any part of the Prototyping Lab
  2. Only use tools you have been trained on. If you don’t know how to use a tool, ask a member of staff to train you or help you with the tool.
  3. Only use the Prototyping Lab with a clear head. Distraction, intoxication, and lack of sleep all lead to injuries and are not allowed.
  4. Clean up and return tools to their homes after you are done in the Prototyping Lab. Everyone is in a hurry or running late, those are not valid excuses.
  5. Spray adhesives are not allowed in the Prototyping Lab.
  6. Prototyping Lab tools must stay in the Prototyping Lab unless you have approval from staff.
  7. The materials in the Prototyping Lab are intended for classwork, one-off projects, or prototypes, not for mass production. In other words, don’t run an Etsy shop out of the Prototyping Lab.
  8. Mess-producing activities that affect other users (such as sanding and anything with fumes) must be done in their appropriate areas (woodshop and fume hood/paint booth, respectively).
  9. Dress appropriately when operating tools in the Prototyping Lab. This means no loose clothing, dangling jewelry, lanyards, loose hair, or open-toed shoes.
  10. Wear appropriate protective equipment for the task at hand. This means eye and ear protection when working in the woodshop and gloves when working with chemicals (including SLA resin). Eye protection is also recommended when soldering.
  11. No eating in the Prototyping Lab. Drinking from open containers is also not allowed while working.
  12. Report damaged or malfunctioning equipment to staff immediately. Do not attempt to repair yourself as you can incur liability that way.
  13. Only use approved materials in the Prototyping Lab. The materials provided in the Lab are pre-approved, but outside materials must be approved by staff, particularly if you are going to use them on the lasers.
  14. Drones may only be operated in environments where the drone can behave in unexpected ways yet all nearby people are safe. In practice, this means drones may not be operated inside the building, on the balconies, or in areas with bystanders.
  15. Report injuries immediately to the staff. This helps us keep everyone safer.

Standard Operating Procedures

Each of our tools have standard operating procedures (SOPs) designed to keep you safe and help you accomplish your goals with those tools. They are not a substitution for training on the tools, but work well as a reminder if it has been a while since you used the tool. More information on each of the tools can also be found in the Tools section of this site. If you have questions, please ask a member of the Prototyping Lab Staff.