

A jigsaw is a powered handheld saw that cuts material using a thin, straight blade that moves up and down. The jigsaw is also known as a sabre saw, and is a portable version of a scroll saw.


When to use a jigsaw:

  • beveled cuts and (with practice) plunge cuts.
  • curved cuts, like circles, arches and more intricate designs. The jigsaw’s ability to cut tight curves and angles makes it similar to the bandsaw and the scroll saw.

When not to use a jigsaw:

  • for making fast, long, straight cuts.


Gently pull the trigger and wait for the jigsaw to achieve full speed, then ease the cutting teeth along the outside of your cutline and slowly let the saw cut into the material. Remember that jigsaws cut on the up stroke. Release the trigger when the cut is complete to stop the blade. Wait for the blade to stop spinning completely before moving it out of the workpiece.


In addition to standard woodshop safety equipment, you will want to have:

  • Safety glasses
  • Hearing protection


Make sure you have completed the proper online safety training and have attended a woodshop training from the Makerspace staff or crew.


Make sure you’re fully trained and are wearing proper protective equipment at all times before using the tool.

Additional Resources

JigSaw Basics


You can download the latest SOP here